Nearly 500 animal species, including 87 that are rare in New York, live in the Adirondack Park. As a crucial home for migratory birds, mammals like the majestic moose, reptiles, butterflies and countless type of fish, it’s imperative that we protect the sensitive habitats within the Adirondack Park and preserve its wilderness to ensure the health and survival of this wildlife.
Your donation today will help the Adirondack Council secure:
- Updated forestry policies and practices with an eye toward providing habitats for a range of wildlife species.
- Legal enforcement of all-terrain vehicle rules to prevent damage to wildlife habitat.
- Funding for scientific research to inform state land and water management decisions involving wildlife habitats.
- Permanent protection for over 50,000+ acres of prime wildlife habitat that New York has long identified for addition to the Forever Wild Forest Preserve.
- Responsible measures to limit the further spread of forest pests and pathogens that have now been found in the Park and pose a significant risk to critical wildlife habitat.