Other Ways to Give

Planned Giving

A gift that gives back to the Adirondacks... forever.

All estate gifts to the Adirondack Council continue to grow as part of the Council Forever Wild Fund. This Board-directed fund provides independence and flexibility to the Council’s protection efforts serving as an action fund that allows the Council to move immediately, without having to seek donations before committing to action. It is also a long-term fund that gives the organization stability and flexibility in planning for the future of the Adirondack Park.

Gifts to the Adirondack Council through your will are not subject to federal estate and the inheritance taxes of most states. Such gifts, or bequests, can take different forms.

  • Specific Bequest: You designate the Council to receive a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate, whether in cash, securities or other property.
  • Residuary Bequest: You name the Council to receive all or a specified percentage of the assets remaining in your estate after other expenses and bequests have been paid.
  • Contingent Bequest: You direct that a specific amount or a percentage of your estate be paid to the Council only if your other beneficiaries do not survive you. (A contingent request can be made without taking away from your family in any way.)
  • Remainder Bequest: You direct that a sum be placed aside and invested to pay income to a surviving spouse or child. Afterwards the remaining principal goes to the Council.
  • Memorial Bequest: You establish a fund in the memory of your spouse or other family members, or friend.

The Adirondack Council recommends that you consult an attorney to prepare or revise your will.

Please check out our brochure for additional information on planned giving. Intend on making a planned gift to the Adirondack Council? Please fill out our planned gift notification form.

Other Ways to Give

There are many other ways to help preserve the Adirondack Park. Some options include:

  • Designating the Council as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or transferring the policy outright to the Council.
  • Designating the Council as a beneficiary of any funds remaining in your pension or individual retirement account (IRA).
  • Rolling over money in your IRA to the Council. You can designate the Adirondack Council as a beneficiary of any funds remaining in your pension or individual retirement account (IRA). If you are age 72 or older and have an Individual Retirement Account, you can donate up to $100,000 each year from your IRA to charity. The distribution will not be taxed as income as long as: the charity is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions, the charity is not a section 509(a)(3) supporting organization, and the withdrawal goes directly to the charity. For additional information, please consult your tax adviser or attorney.
  • Making a gift to the Council that pays the lifetime income to you and/or your spouse (or other named individual) and that also provide major tax savings.
  • Starting a workplace giving campaign for EarthShare at your company.
  • Matching gifts. Many companies will match your charitable contributions. Check with your Human Resources department to see if your employer will match your generous gift to the Adirondack Council.